States release coronavirus/COVID-19 payroll tax relief packages
New South Wales
The NSW Government has announced the waiver of payroll tax for businesses with payrolls of up to $10m, for the months from April to June 2020.
Also, the payroll tax threshold will be raised to $1m in 2020/21, thereby bringing forward another round of payroll tax cuts for eligible businesses.
As part of its support package, additional measures include waiving of fees and charges for small businesses, employment of additional cleaners of public infrastructure, and bringing forward maintenance of public assets and capital works.
The QLD Government will offer $500m in loans, and extend payroll tax deferral to all affected businesses.
The $500m concessional loan facility will comprise of loans up to $250,000 with an initial 12-month interest-free period.
Judging from the popularity of its initial payroll tax deferral available to small and medium businesses, the QLD Government will extend the offer of a six-month payroll tax deferral to all affected QLD businesses.
Western Australia
The WA Government has released a business and household economic response package to provide relief from the impact of COVID-19, including relief around payroll tax.
Businesses paying payroll tax, with a payroll between $1m and $4m will receive a one-off grant of $17,500.
In addition, the increase of the payroll tax threshold to $1m will be fast-tracked to 1 July 2020, six months before the originally planned date. This means smaller businesses will potentially be able to fall out of the payroll tax regime sooner than before.
Small and medium-sized businesses, who pay $7.5m or less in Australian taxable wages and have been affected by COVID-19, can apply for a deferral of their 2019/20 payroll tax payment until 21 July 2020.