Are you eligible for a $3,000 small business grant?
Applications for the Small Business Recovery Grant are open until 16 August 2020. If you are a small business owner in an industry that has been highly impacted by COVID-19, you may be eligible for such a grant. We recommend any available grant is worth applying for during these stressful times.
The grant is designed to cover such items as:
· Marketing and advertising expenses;
· Fit-out changes; and
· Staff training to deal with working safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In order to be eligible, it is important too be aware that these grants are only for expenses incurred from 1 July 2020and only where no other government support is available. Your eligibility can be checked and you may apply online at Service NSW .
· You must have an ABN registered in NSW;
· Be a small business based in NSW;
· Have an annual turnover of more than $75,000 with a BAS statement as evidence;
· Employ less than 20 staff; and
· Your turnover as impacted by COVID-19 has to have suffered a decline of at least 30%.
If you have received the COVID-19 Small Business Support Grant of up to $10,000, then this may also indicate that you are eligible to receive this $3,000 grant.
In considering your business for a grant, Service NSW may request a number of documents including:
· Profit and Loss Statement;
· Prior BAS Statements; and
· Receipts and invoices from purchases and sales.
This is where you may need the Evolution team to assist you with your application and help you in understanding your eligibility. We can make an appraisal of your circumstances and your eligibility.
We have included the following useful links to assist you in considering your eligibility and providing you with an understanding of how your business may use one of these grants.
Recovery Grant Terms and Conditions
Recovery Grant Privacy and Collection Notice
The NSW Government is doing its best to assist small businesses during COVID-19. At Evolution, we understand the complexities of each situation and the challenges of navigating your way to obtaining some of the available funding. It is important to discuss the implications of obtaining any funding with your adviser to ensure you make informed decisions about how to best position your business.